Surgical Checklist

In the contest of efforts undertaken by the Organización Mundial de la Salud (“World Health Organization”) to reduce the number of deaths related to surgery worldwide, the WHO’s Safety Patient Department created the so-called “La Cirugía Segura Salva Vidas” («Safe Surgery Saves Lives»).[image src=»» align=»right» border=»1″]

The program intends to use the political commitment and the clinical willingness to address important safety issues such as inadequate anaesthetic safety practices, avoidable surgical infections and poor communication between surgical team members.


There is evidence that these are common problems that involve risks and preventable death in all countries and environments.

To help reduce surgical number of events of this kind for the surgery teams, the WHO’s Patient Safety -with the advice of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, experts in patient safety and patients around the world- has identified ten essential objectives for the patient safety that have been collected in the “Lista OMS de verificación de la seguridad de la cirugía” («WHO Verification for the surgical Safety”).