[image src=»https://www.anestesiaclinicovalencia.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/estructura.jpg» align=»right» border=»1″]
The surgical areas of our Department of Health 5, are located in two different centers, the Hospital Clínico Universitario and the Hospital Malvarrosa. Due to the differences of each center and its location, each hospital is prepared to accommodate different types of patients and pathologies, thus optimizing resources to offer the highest quality care.
The University Clinical Hospital is a Tertiary Hospital, in which all kinds of surgical interventions are performed, including those of great complexity, since it has the technological means and infrastructure to do so.
The Malvarrosa Hospital with strategic location facing the sea, was the first center in Valencia that began performing ambulatory surgery and is equipped with the most appropriate infrastructure for the patient undergoing surgery without admission.