Areas of research


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The research groups and the Main lines of research developed in the Service are the following:

Anesthetic gases:
Gases used in anesthesia: halogenated agents, Xenon and Oxygen (hyperoxia). 
Mode of administration of anesthetic agents (for anesthesia in the operating room and for sedation in critical care) where new disposable devices alternative to vaporizers (AnaConDa) are investigated.

Effects of anesthetics on ischemia reperfusion: oxidative stress and organ protection.
Study of the expression of Aquaporins 1 and 5 in an experimental model of acute lung injury by mechanical ventilation in rats.

Ventilatory management of patients: includes mechanical ventilation (pulmonary protection and adjuvant treatment) special ventilatory modes (weaning, PAV +, NAVA) drugs with immunomodulatory effects, etc. 
Non-invasive ventilation Study of new interfaces and application of non-invasive ventilation in the postoperative period.

Critical care:
Development of less invasive hemodynamic monitoring, and its application in the field of perioperative patients admitted to critical care units.
Hemostasis: 
Study of devices and drugs to quantify or intervene in hemostasis: in prevention of thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications in the perioperative period.

Development of neurological monitoring and new therapies in neurocritical patients.

Pain: 
Development of new strategies and drugs for the treatment of pain.